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Catalog → La religion
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Historical and statistical description of Christmas Konevsky Monastery (Sanktpeterburgsky diocese). 1869

Byte: 2217655

The historical and statistical description of the Ryazan theological seminary and the spiritual schools subconducted by it. Makari (Mirolyubov N. K.). 1864

Byte: 13152062

Historical and statistical description of the Sanktpeterburgsky Peter and Paul Cathedral. Florinsky D,I. 1857

Byte: 4418990

The historical and statistical description Sanktpeterburgska Skorbyashchenska of church that behind the Foundry yard. N. of St. George 1866

Byte: 6067555

Historical and statistical description of the Smolensk diocese. SPb, 1864

Byte: 18695285

Historical and statistical description of the Tambov Voznesensky of convent. Molchanov N. 1883

Byte: 3797702

Historical and statistical description of the Tambov diocese. Andreevsky A.E. 1911

Byte: 95745050

Historical and statistical description of the Tambov diocese. Hit ditch Georgy. 1861

Byte: 12980977

Historical and statistical description of the Kharkov Assumption Cathedral 1894

Byte: 32374996

Historical and statistical description of the Kharkov diocese. Otd.1. Short review of the diocese and monastery. 1852

Byte: 11019288

The historical and statistical description of the churches and monasteries of the Ryazan diocese which are nowadays existing and abolished. Volume 1 Dobrolyubov Ioann 1884

Byte: 29889536

The historical and statistical description of the churches and monasteries of the Ryazan diocese which are nowadays existing and abolished. Volume 2 Dobrolyubov Ioann 1885

Byte: 42153453

The historical and statistical description of the churches and monasteries of the Ryazan diocese which are nowadays existing and abolished. Volume 3 Dobrolyubov Ioann 1888

Byte: 44441378

The historical and statistical description of the churches and monasteries of the Ryazan diocese which are nowadays existing and abolished. Volume 4 Dobrolyubov Ioann 1891

Byte: 137900717

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Vladimir diocese. Release I.�������� and Vladimir district. Vladimir, 1896

Byte: 94543661

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Vladimir diocese. Release of II. Pereslavsky and Aleksandrovsky districts. Vladimir, 1896

Byte: 160945965

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Vladimir diocese. Release of III. Suzdal and Yuryevsky districts. Vladimir, 1896

Byte: 140093273

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Vladimir diocese. Release of IV.

Byte: 157819934

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Vladimir diocese. Release of V and the last. Vladimir, 1898

Byte: 156606026

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Volynsk diocese. Volume I. Teodorov

Byte: 26493764

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Volynsk diocese. Volume IV. Starokonstantinovsky district. Teodorovich N. I. 1899

Byte: 114780055

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Volynsk diocese. Volume V. Teodorovich N. I. 1903

Byte: 35482149

Historical and statistical description of churches and arrivals of the Riga diocese. Vyp.3. P.1. 1902

Byte: 8203049

Historical and statistical description of the Chernigov diocese Book 7. Chernigov

Byte: 53078606

Historical and statistical description of the Chernigov diocese. 1861

Byte: 4498560

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