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Catalog → La religion
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The historical list of bishops and then patriarchs of the sacred and Christ`s great church which is in Constantinople of the 36th year on river x. on 1834. 1

Byte: 8544048

Historical and statistical description of Kiyevo-Florovsky Voznesensky of convent. Manikovsky F. 1894

Byte: 5875056

Historical and statistical description of Novotorzhsky Borisoglebsky Monastery. Iliodor, celibate priest 1861

Byte: 6670995

Historical and archaeological description of the Moscow Alekseevsky maiden Monastery. Tokmakov I.F. 1896

Byte: 6669237

Historical and archaeological description of the Moscow Nikitsky maiden Monastery. Tokmakov I.F. 1889

Byte: 2195163

Historical and archaeological description of the Moscow stavropigialny first-class Simonov Monastery. Tokmakov I.F. 1892-1896

Byte: 12282064

The historical and archaeological description of the first-class Uspensky convent in the city Alexandrov (The Vladimir province).

Made A.L.
Byte: 4995924

The historical and archaeological description of the Pokrovsk maiden monastery in the city of Suzdal (The Vladimir province). Tokmakov I.F. 1913

Byte: 3940913

Historical and archaeological description of Tikhonova of the Kaluga desert. Prod. ispr. and additional, under the editorship of I.F.Tokmakova. Leonid, archimandrite (Kavelin?

Byte: 9127735

Historical and public value of Pochayevsky Monastery. Kryzhanovsky G. 1899

Byte: 7538756

The historical and statistical description of the Korniliyevo-Komelsky monastery made in 1852. 1855

Byte: 6964679

Historical and statistical description of the Tver Uspensky of Zheltikov of the monastery. Platon, archimandrite. 1852

Byte: 916910

Historical and topographical description of the cities Moscow lips. with addition an ist. light. about cathedrals, monasteries and tserkva. 1787

Byte: 5943749

Historical news of all cathedral, monastic, ruzhny, parish and house tserkva which are in the capital cities of Moscow and S. - Peter

Byte: 9113383

Historical news of all tserkva of the capital city of Moscow. 1796

Byte: 14949238

Historical news of the beginning and destiny of the Vinogradsky-Irdynsky monastery with the appendix of its documents. 1861

Byte: 796360

Historical description of the Belevsky maiden Krestovozdvizhensky third-grade Monastery. Leonid, archimandrite (Kavelin L.A.). 1863

Byte: 2447500

The historical description of Bogolyubov of the monastery from the beginning of its basis so far. Ostrovzorov N. 1875

Byte: 7381946

Historical description of the Borisovsky Tikhvin maiden desert. Leonid, archimandrite (Kavelin L.A.). 1872

Byte: 6147338

Historical description of Bohr Pafnutiyev of the monastery. Leonid, archimandrite (Kavelin L.A.). 1859

Byte: 4772342

Historical description of the Valdai Iversky of the Svyatoozersky Bogoroditsky first-class monastery. Silin of the Item M. 1885

Byte: 1687230

The historical description of Gorodetsky of Avraamiev Monastery in the Kostroma province. Prilutsky D.F. 1861

Byte: 1590195

The historical description of ancient vladychny monastery on Krutitsakh and the monuments which escaped from it... 1893

Byte: 4505517

Historical description of the Ekaterinburg New Tikhvin first-class maiden monastery. Ikonnikov V. 1875

Byte: 1828522

The historical description of the Yelets Znamensky maiden Monastery that on the stone mountain. Geronty, celibate priest 1895

Byte: 2858850

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