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Catalog → La religion
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Short description of the Odrino-Nikolayevsky monastery. 1895

Byte: 2767365

Short description of the Nativity maiden Tver Monastery. Dranitsin G. 1852

Byte: 32181870

The God monastery founded by the patriarch Nikon (In the Onega district of the Arkhangelsk province). Historical sketch. 1894

Byte: 3522701

Lebedev AP History universal soborov_01_1896

Byte: 21292509

Lebedev AP History universal soborov_02_1897

Byte: 19642119

Lectures on history of the Russian church. Kartashov A.V. 1901

Byte: 91439522

The chronicler Solovki for four centuries, from the basis of Solovetsky Monastery so far, that is from 1429 to the 1833rd year. Izd.3-e. Dosifey,

Byte: 5959966

Makariyev`s chronicle of the Unzhensky monastery of the Kostroma diocese. Vyp.1. 1439-1682. Kherson I.K. 1888

Byte: 9063316

Makariyev`s chronicle of the Unzhensky monastery of the Kostroma diocese. Vyp.2. 1682-1891. Kherson I.K. 1892

Byte: 21946334

Chronicle of the monastery of Gustynsky. Bodyansky O. M. 1848

Byte: 3127737

The chronicle of the Moscow Church of St. George that on Vspolye, Nikitsky Sorok. Svyatoslavsky I. 1875

Byte: 10214441

The chronicle Moscow Troitsk that in Fields, church. N.`s nightingales 1887

Byte: 20336502

Chronicle of the Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery of the Nizhny Novgorod province of the Ardatovsky district. Chichagov L.M. 1896

Byte: 33013122

Chronicle of the Old-Russian of Spaso-Preobrazhenskoye of the first-class man`s monastery... from 1192 to 1896. Sergy, celibate priest. 1896

Byte: 5741533

The chronicle of Hristorozhdestvensky church of the city of Kharkov (from 1655 to 1882) the archpriest Dmitry Fedorovsky 1882

Byte: 2970740

The chronicle of church of the St. great martyr and pobedonosets Georgy that on the Red Hill, in the Nikitsky sorok of the capital city of Moscow. Kopyev Ya. 1888

Byte: 14087234

Staff of Sacred and Sergiyevsky Orthodox Theological Institute in Paris 1925-1950.

Byte: 49664

Material for historical and topographical research about orthodox monasteries in the Russian Empire, with the bibliographic index.

V. V. Zverinsky made and published
Byte: 71791671

Material for the Kostroma seminary. Department of II. Seminary, soderzhimy state means at a grant of means Diocesan since July 11, 1765?

Byte: 17801763

Materials for history of the West Russian church (the XVIII table.). (from Cht. in Nestor-letop island.) Golubev of Page 1895

Byte: 6600229

Materials for history of the Saratov diocese. release 3. 1907

Byte: 841807

Materials for history of the Saratov diocese. Volume 1, release 1. 1907

Byte: 702987

Materials for history of the Saratov diocese. Volume 2, release 1. 1907

Byte: 832473

Materials for the historical and statistical description Ekaterin. Ep. Churches and arrivals

Byte: 103936

Materials for the historical and statistical description Ekaterin. Ep. Churches and arrivals

Byte: 145408

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