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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les repertoires → La radiobibliotheque massive
Title: G. Ya. Mirsky. Measurement of time intervals
Release 511
List: 7
Byte: 1228887
Note: MASS Release of 511 G RADIO LIBRARY. Ya. Mirsky. Of time intervals ENERGIYA PUBLISHING HOUSE MOSCOW 1964 LENINGRAD In the book methods of measurement of time intervals are stated to Izmereniye, function charts of measuring instruments, and also some standard knots and elements of measuring schemes are considered. Data on digital methods of measurement of various parameters of electric signals are provided; using transformation to a time interval. The book is intended for the prepared radio fans, students of higher education institutions and technical schools, and also technical officers who are interested in measurements of time intervals. Mirsky Grigory Yakovlevich Izmereniye of time intervals. M.-L., Energiya Publishing house, 1964, 72 p. about silt. (Mass radio library. Vyp. 511).
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