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CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les repertoires → La radiobibliotheque massive
Title: A.F.Plonsky. An amateur radio communication on meter waves
Release 174
List: 11
Byte: 1855898
Note: MASS RADIO LIBRARY UNDER the GENERAL EDITION of the ACADEMICIAN A. I. BERG Vypusk 174 A.F.Plonsky. The amateur radio communication on meter waves the STATE POWER PUBLISHING HOUSE MOSCOW 1953 LENINGRAD the Book is designed for the radio fans who are interested in ultra-short waves and there is enough acquaintances with bases of the general radio engineering. In it properties of ultra-short waves, features of their distribution, and also questions concerning a choice of schemes, designing and adjustment of the amateur ultrashort-wave equipment are considered.
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