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CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les revues → Le modelist-ingenieur
Title: Modeller-designer 1970, No. 10
Drawings, descriptions and other materials for modellers and amateur designers are printed. There is a section devoted to the military and technical
Author: Founder and publisher:
of JSC Editorial Office of the Magazine Modelist-konstruktor.

127015, Moscow, A-15, Novodmitrovskaya St., 5a.

Editing: 1970, No. 10
List: 19
Byte: 3196292
Note: "Modeller-designer", monthly popular scientific and technical magazine of the Central Committee of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. It is published with 1966 in Moscow (with 1962 left as the almanac "Yuny Modelist-konstruktor"). Takes up questions of scientific and technical creativity of the Soviet youth, rationalization work, designing of new amateur equipment, activity of public design offices, clubs, circles of young technicians, etc.
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