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CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les revues → Le trappeur d`Oural
Title: Ural pathfinder. 1991, No. 11
Editing: 1991, No. 11
List: 75
Byte: 12025856
Note: "The Ural pathfinder" - the popular monthly literary and publicistic magazine which is published in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) from Soviet period (study of local lore, history, travel, adventures and a fantasy) in which, in particular, such writers as Vladislav Krapivin, Sergey Lukyanenko, Vitaly Kaplan, Alexey Ivanov were published for the first time. The magazine was founded by Vladimir Popov. The first issue of the magazine left in April, 1935, then, after nine releases, the edition was stopped. The magazine experienced a rebirth in 1958. In the first number the science-fiction story "Blind Flight" of Alexander Belyaev cooperating with the magazine in 1935 was published. Further writers and artists were published in the magazine: Vitaly Volovich, Vladislav Krapivin, Victor Astafyev, Mark Grossman, Yury Kurochkin, Vladimir Shustov, Claudia Rozhdestvenskaya, Spartak Kiprin, Herman Drobiz, Nikolay Kushtum, Nick. Moos, Nikolay Nikonov, Boris Ryabinin, Boris Putilov, poets Lev Sorokin, Mikhail Naydich, Venedikt Stantsev, Oleg Poskrebyshev. At popularity peak, in the mid-eighties, its circulation reached five hundred thousand copies.
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