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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogLa religionPatrologiya → La grecque
Title: Kliment Rimsky, Varnava`s Message, Germa`s Pastor, the Message to Diognet, an anonymous Precept of 12 Patriarchs
Author: The publisher-. - Item Min / J. - P. Migne
Editing: I-III century
List: 715
Byte: 82383159
Note: Patrologia Graeca (The Greek patrology) - the edited meeting of works of Fathers of Church and various secular authors written on the Greek koyn and the Byzantine language. Consists of the 161st volume, printed in 1857-1866 in Catholic printing house of the abbey Jacques-Paul of Min (1800-1875). Includes East Fathers and those Western authors who wrote the works before Latin became prevailing in the West among Christians in the III century, for example the early authors famous as Apostolic the husband, Kliment`s Messages, Germa`s Pastor, Evsevy Pamfil, Origen, Basil the Great, Grigory Nazianin, Gregory of Nyssa and so on.
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