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CatalogLa religion → L`histoire de l`eglise Russe
Title: Volume 2 Lebedinsky district
Byte: 731648
Note: In the instruction Sumy the policeman of a town hall from 2 Dec. 1659 it is visible already not only the city of Lebedin, but also Lebedinsky okrug.1 his Population happened, most likely, in at one time to the population of mountains. Sumy, i.e. apprx. 1652 the cities of Lebedin were allocated for Cherkassy very extensive dachas of the earth so at these dachas in a consequence were formed not only the farm, but also the whole settlements � Bishkin, Berezhki, Ryabushki, Budnyaka.2 It specifies that the first settlers of Lebedin were on coast of the lake of Lebedin in big masses. From the very beginning of the Lebedin was the strengthened centesimal town of the Sumy regiment; since 1765 there was it the commissar city, and since 1782 remains the district city. Here is how described Lebedin`s fortress in 1785:" the city has strengthening: from 3 parties it is surrounded with an earth shaft, height from the horizon from 2 to the 3rd sazhen, width also from 2 to the 3rd sazhen; on corners of 4 batteries; for closing their bulk earth shaft, 1 sazhen high; entrance to fortress from 4 parties; from the East and the West Olshank`s small river which the coast together with shaft towers to the 4th sazhen flows; in fortress the cathedral temple of the Dormition of the Theotokos still unfinished, and the Transfiguration Church".
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