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CatalogLa religionLes feuilles diocesaines → De Riazan
Title: Ryazan diocesan sheets of 1870-1871, No. 1-8(1870), 9-24 (1871)
Editing: 1870-1871, No. 1-8(1870), 9-24 (1871)
List: 1136
Byte: 190237590
Note: The Ryazan Diocesan Sheets - the official printing publication of the Ryazan diocese from 1865 to 1918. The edition appeared in Ryazan from September 1, 1865 to April, 1917, 2 times a month (1 and the 15th). From 1865 to 1877 publishing year was considered since September 1, numbering of the newspaper was also conducted. About 1878 publishing year began to be considered since January 1. Were originally published at a theological seminary, then, with 1867 on 1896, at a consistory. From 1889 Sheets were published according to new, more extensive program. In 1897 management of the magazine was transferred to a brotherhood of the prelate Vasily. From this point the official department was edited by the secretary of a consistory, and informal to 1911 - the cathedral archpriest, with 1911 - the rector of a theological seminary.
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