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CatalogLes etudes historiques → L`histoire du pays
CatalogLes etudes historiques → L`histoire du pays
Title: Chronicle of occupations of the arkheografichesky commission. 1906. Release the nineteenth
under supervision of the governor of affairs V. G. Druzhinin
Editing: 1908
List: 574
Byte: 41144106
Note: the acyclic edition of the Arkheografichesky commission appearing with 1862 on 1929. There were 35 releases. Articles on history of annals, history of social thought, social and economic problems and history of the right, a source study and paleography were published. Archival materials (generally 15 � 17 centuries), descriptions of meetings of the Arkheografichesky commission were located.
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Title: Chronicle of occupations of the arkheografichesky commission. 1906. Release the nineteenth
under supervision of the governor of affairs V. G. Druzhinin
Editing: 1908
List: 574
Byte: 41144106
Note: the acyclic edition of the Arkheografichesky commission appearing with 1862 on 1929. There were 35 releases. Articles on history of annals, history of social thought, social and economic problems and history of the right, a source study and paleography were published. Archival materials (generally 15 — 17 centuries), descriptions of meetings of the Arkheografichesky commission were located.
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