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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les repertoires → La radiobibliotheque massive
Title: I.P. Zherebtsov. Introduction to equipment of decimeter and centimetric waves. The edition third processed and added
Release 904
List: 16
Byte: 2564948
Note: MASS Release 904 I.P RADIO LIBRARY. Zherebtsov. Introduction to equipment of decimeter and centimetric waves. The edition third processed and added "ENERGY" LENINGRAD 1976 Zherebtsov I. P. Introduction to equipment of decimeter and centimetric waves. L., "Energy", 1976. 184 pages about silt. (Mass radio library. Vyp. 904). In the book elements of equipment of decimeter and centimetric waves are popularly stated. The transmission lines of waves, wave guides, oscillatory systems, electronic devices radiating devices, and also features of distribution of decimeter and centimetric waves are considered. The book is designed for the readers having secondary education and familiar with fundamentals of radio electronics. It can serve as introduction to the subsequent studying of the reception transferring and measuring equipment of decimeter and centimetric wave bands. Ivan Petrovich Zherebtsov VVEDENIYE IN EQUIPMENT of DECIMETER AND CENTIMETRIC WAVES
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