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CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les repertoires → La radiobibliotheque massive
Title: M. L. Havin. Circuitry of the radio-transmitting devices
Release 891
List: 7
Byte: 1255179
Note: MASS Release of 891 M RADIO LIBRARY. L. Havin. Circuitry of the radio-transmitting ENERGY devices • MOSCOW • 1975 Havin M. L. Skhemotekhnika of the radio-transmitting devices. M, "Energy", 1975. 96 pages about silt. (Mass radio library. Vyp. 891). In the book on examples of creation of schemes of standard cascades the principles and rules on the basis of which schemes of the radio-transmitting devices are formed are systematized. The book is intended for a wide range of radio fans. Mark Lvovich Havin of the CIRCUIT DESIGNER of the RADIO-TRANSMITTING DEVICES
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