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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogLes livres, les revues, les dictionnaires, les chansonsLes journaux sovietique → La lumiere (le journal Ingouche)
Title: Light (Ingush newspaper of Serdalo) 1939, No. 043 (1684) (on May 18)
Editing: 1939, No. 043 (1684) (on May 18)
List: 4
Byte: 5925722
Note: The first issue of the newspaper appeared on May 1, 1923. The founder of the Ingush alphabet on a Latin basis the people`s commissar of education of the Mountain republic 3aurbek Malsagov was the founder of the newspaper and its first editor. The name of the newspaper was several times corrected: prior to the beginning of 1924 it was called as Sierdaluo, in the middle of 1924 - Serdalo and Serdalo - Light, since the end of 1924 on May, 1926 - Serd? lo - Light, since May, 1926 - Serd? lo, since June, 1929 - Serdalo, since September, 1938 - Serdalo. Issue of the newspaper stopped in 1944-1957 because of deportation of Ingushs. At first it was published in the capital of the Ingush autonomous region Vladikavkaz, then in Grozny, and now in Nazran. It is awarded the order . In 1938-1939 and 1957-1959 in the newspaper the Ingush writer and the poet A. A. Vedzizhev worked.
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