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File: 146015. Volume: 1316 GByte

CatalogLes livres, les revues, les dictionnaires, les chansonsLes journaux sovietique → La verite forent-mongole
Title: The Buryat Mongolsky truth No. 041 for 1958
Editing: No. 041 for 1958
List: 4
Byte: 21880553
Note: The newspaper started being issued on June 7, 1918 under the name "Bulletin of Councils of Cis-Baikal". In the 1920th years the newspaper several times changed the name: "Bulletin of Councils of Cis-Baikal", "Worker and peasant", "Red Cis-Baikal", "the Pribaykalsky truth". After education Buryat Mongolsky the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since September 4, 1923 the newspaper started being issued under the name "Buryat Mongolsky Truth". After renaming by the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in Buryat the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the newspaper the Truth of Buryatia started being called Buryat Mongolsky. The newspaper was the edition of regional committee of CPSU, the Supreme Council and Council of ministers Buryat the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
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