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CatalogL`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)Les revues → L`inventeur et le rationalisateur
Title: Inventor and rationalizer. 1980, No. 08
Editing: 1980, No. 08
List: 144
Byte: 5767107
Note: "Inventor and rationalizer", monthly popular scientific illustrated magazine, body of All-Union society of inventors and rationalizers. It is published in Moscow with 1929. In 1929 — 38 left under the name "Inventor", in 1938 — 56 it was not published, in 1956 — 1958 was called "Invention in the USSR", with 1958 — "And. and river". Publishes creative solutions of actual problems of technical progress, legal and economic consultations. Circulation (1972) 400 thousand copies.
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