Title: John II (Pope); Agapet I (Pope); Silvery (Pope); Lavrenti (bishop Novarsky); Benedict Nursiansky; Alberic (diako?
Author: Catholic printing house of Min, Paris / Imprimerie Catholique, Paris
Editing: 1844-1855.
List: 542
Byte: 76841940
Note: Patrologia Latina (Latin patrology) - the edited meeting of works of Fathers of Church and various secular authors written in Latin. Consists of 217 volumes printed in 1844-1855 in Catholic printing house of the abbey Jacques-Paul of Min (1800-1875). Later in 1862-1864 to them the index (vol. 218-221) was published. The edition supports Latin authors from Tertullian (�220) to the father Innokenti III (�1216).