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CatalogLes livres, les revues, les dictionnaires, les chansonsLes journaux jusqu`aux revolutionnaires → La vie siberienne
Title: Siberian life 1916 No. 056 (on March 11)
Editing: 1916 No. 056 (on March 11)
List: 39
Byte: 6324936
Note: "The Siberian life" - the daily political, literary and economic newspaper. It is founded in 1894. From July, 1894 to May, 1895 left under the title "Tomsk help leaf", from June, 1895 to October, 1897 - "A Tomsk leaf", from December, 1897 to December, 1919 - "The Siberian life". It is based and was published till 1905 by the famous Tomsk figure of national education Pyotr Ivanovich Makushin. Since November 8, 1905 it was published by the Siberian association of printing. The newspaper placed articles concerning the Russian and foreign life, scientific publications, historical ethnographic, geographical materials, a fiction, correspondence from the different cities and the villages of Siberia, the chronicle of the current life of Tomsk." The Siberian life" adhered to the liberal direction, many political exiled - F. Ya. Kohn, F.V. Lengnik, P. N. Lepeshinsky, etc. cooperated with it. In 1905 turned into informal body of the cadet organization in Tomsk. In the years of Russian-Japanese war the circulation of "The Siberian life" reached a maximum across all Siberia – 15 thousand copies. In revolutionary 1917 and in the years of civil war "The Siberian life" became a loud-hailer and the propagandist of liberal bourgeois ideas and views. On January 31, 1918 it was closed by the resolution of the Tomsk gubispolkom of Council of workers and soldier`s deputies for "anti-communistic promotion". In June, 1918 after falling of the Soviet power in Tomsk the newspaper began to appear again. With restoration in the city of the Soviet power the edition of the newspaper turned finally. The last issue "The Siberian life" left on December 21, 1919.
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