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CatalogLes etudes historiques → L`histoire de la ville
CatalogLes etudes historiques → L`histoire de la ville
Title: News of the Taurian scientific archival commission. No. 39
(second edition)
Author: under edition of the governor of affairs F.Lashkov
Editing: 1887-1920.
List: 149
Byte: 57674013
Note: Taurian Scientific Archival Commission (TSAC), (1887-1920) - the organization of local historians of the Crimea, one of 39 provincial scientists of the archival commissions (PSAC) existing in pre-revolutionary Russia which were created by Position of Committee of ministers "About establishment of the scientific archival commissions and historical archives", approved on April 13, 1884 as the emperor Alexander III.
the Taurian scientific archival commission united prominent scientists and fans of the Crimean old times, the most part of the provincial intellectuals. The structure of such commissions was formed on a voluntary basis, and the governor was their indispensable member, however the commissions were run not only local authorities, but also Academy of Sciences. One of the main forms of activity of GUAK were public meetings where reports of members and guests sounded and organizational issues were resolved. Thus protocols were without fail kept and reports were formed. The commission collected data on ancient historical monuments, was engaged in protection of monuments of architecture (restoration of the Bakhchsarai palace and a mosque in Eski-SAT), archives, drawing up archaeological cards. In 1911 for the commission own building was built.
Activity of the Taurian Scientific Archival Commission was financed by the authorities, and also by membership dues, private donations and the income from sale of own editions. The commission regularly published "News of the Taurian Scientific Archival Commission" (ITUAK). Everything, from 1887 to 1920, 57 volumes of this edition in which more than 400 scientific articles, historical documents, archeological finds were published were let out.
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Title: News of the Taurian scientific archival commission. No. 39
(second edition)
Author: under edition of the governor of affairs F.Lashkov
Editing: 1887-1920.
List: 149
Byte: 57674013
Note: Taurian Scientific Archival Commission (TSAC), (1887-1920) - the organization of local historians of the Crimea, one of 39 provincial scientists of the archival commissions (PSAC) existing in pre-revolutionary Russia which were created by Position of Committee of ministers "About establishment of the scientific archival commissions and historical archives", approved on April 13, 1884 as the emperor Alexander III.
the Taurian scientific archival commission united prominent scientists and fans of the Crimean old times, the most part of the provincial intellectuals. The structure of such commissions was formed on a voluntary basis, and the governor was their indispensable member, however the commissions were run not only local authorities, but also Academy of Sciences. One of the main forms of activity of GUAK were public meetings where reports of members and guests sounded and organizational issues were resolved. Thus protocols were without fail kept and reports were formed. The commission collected data on ancient historical monuments, was engaged in protection of monuments of architecture (restoration of the Bakhchsarai palace and a mosque in Eski-SAT), archives, drawing up archaeological cards. In 1911 for the commission own building was built.
Activity of the Taurian Scientific Archival Commission was financed by the authorities, and also by membership dues, private donations and the income from sale of own editions. The commission regularly published "News of the Taurian Scientific Archival Commission" (ITUAK). Everything, from 1887 to 1920, 57 volumes of this edition in which more than 400 scientific articles, historical documents, archeological finds were published were let out.
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