Title: The collection of materials for the description of districts and tribes of the Caucasus. Release the twenty third
Editing: 1897
List: 841
Byte: 33642211
Note: it is published by management of the Caucasian educational district and makes one of outstanding merits of the trustee kavk. uchebn. surrounding K. P. Yanovsky. There were 25 vol. giving extensive and very valuable material for history, archeology, linguistics and ethnography of the Caucasus. The scientific value of this edition is recognized by the prof. V. F. Miller in extensive reviews, to bake. in "Zhurn. Min. Plank beds. Ave." 1893. To the first XX releases in 1895 the index in which articles are grouped in geography and ethnography, in nationalities and in provinces and areas is published. The greatest scientific interest Dictionaries and texts of the Caucasian people, legends on athletes sledge (Sofuko, Uryzmakh, Batraz, etc.) submit, great Russian and foreign songs (and among the Russian stanitsa songs ancient bylevy motives come across), a set of articles about life and customs of Armenians, the Georgian, Tatars, the Ossetian, Mountain Jews, etc. Caucasian nationalities.
Title: The collection of materials for the description of districts and tribes of the Caucasus. Release the twenty third
Editing: 1897
List: 841
Byte: 33642211
Note: it is published by management of the Caucasian educational district and makes one of outstanding merits of the trustee kavk. uchebn. surrounding K. P. Yanovsky. There were 25 vol. giving extensive and very valuable material for history, archeology, linguistics and ethnography of the Caucasus. The scientific value of this edition is recognized by the prof. V. F. Miller in extensive reviews, to bake. in "Zhurn. Min. Plank beds. Ave." 1893. To the first XX releases in 1895 the index in which articles are grouped in geography and ethnography, in nationalities and in provinces and areas is published. The greatest scientific interest Dictionaries and texts of the Caucasian people, legends on athletes sledge (Sofuko, Uryzmakh, Batraz, etc.) submit, great Russian and foreign songs (and among the Russian stanitsa songs ancient bylevy motives come across), a set of articles about life and customs of Armenians, the Georgian, Tatars, the Ossetian, Mountain Jews, etc. Caucasian nationalities.