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Catalog → L`union des Republiques Sovietiques Socialistes (l`URSS)
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K. A. Traskin. Radar equipment and its application

Byte: 3342652

V.Z.Feygels. Nonlinear systems in radio engineering

Byte: 1051716

K. A. Shulgin. Designing of amateur short-wave transmitters

Byte: 3436112

mrb0126 Calculation of amateur receivers S. M. Gerasimov 1951-600M

Byte: 3223119

S.D.Klementyev. The models operated by radio

Byte: 2595866

S. E. Khaykin. Dictionary of the radio fan

Byte: 24373995

L.V.Troitsky. How to make the simple network receiver

Byte: 893922

O. G. Tutorsky. The elementary amateur transmitters and VHFs receivers

Byte: 2113504

B. A. Lewandowski. Scales and vernyerny devices

Byte: 2225910

V.F.Baumgarts. Rural radio recursor

Byte: 1131696

Yu.N.Prozorovsky. Amateur short-wave radio station

Byte: 1541312

E.A.Levitin. New in production of radio equipment

Byte: 1840486

A. M. Rakhteenko. Pocket radio receivers State power publishing house Moscow 1952 Leningrad

Byte: 1368041

Broadcasting receivers: Muscovite radio receiver, radio-gramophone "Kama"

Made: A.V.Komarov, E.A.Levitin
Byte: 1294861

P.I.Evdokimov. Methods and systems of a multichannel radio communication

Byte: 1904224

Yu.A.Shumikhin. Introduction to pulse equipment

Byte: 2648882

A.D.Batrakov, S. Kean. Elementary radio engineering. Part second. Lamp radio receivers

Byte: 7765560

M.D.Ganzburg. Three-lamp superheterodyne

Byte: 1587006

A. G. Dolnik. Rectifiers with multiplication of tension

Byte: 1141640

M. M. Efrussi. Gas voltage stabilizers

Byte: 991988

F. I. Tarasov. Simple battery radio receivers

Byte: 1320862

V. V. Enyutin. Answers to questions on detector radio receivers

Byte: 721037

M. I. Finkelstein, A. N. Shusterovich. Radio navigation

Byte: 2178890

Short-wave radio equipment. Exhibits of the 9th All-Union exhibition of creativity of radio fans designers

Byte: 2316274

Z. B. Ginzburg. Inductance coils for simple radio receivers

Byte: 589850

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