Historical, georgafichesky and ekonomichsekoka description of the Voronezh province P.E.Bolkhovitinovym 1800 Byte: 25257166 |
The description of the Kursk namestnichestvo from ancient and new different news about it in brief collected by Sergeey Larionov 1786 Byte: 127922710 |
The description of the Olonets province in the historical, statistical and ethnographic relations it is made by V. Dashkov 1842 Byte: 134217249 |
The short geographical and statistical description of the Orenburg province made in 1832 I.Zhukovsky 1880 Byte: 50299957 |
The description of Sankt of the Petersburg province on districts and camps 1838 Byte: 139473974 |
Short physical and topographical description of Taurian area composed by Pyotr Pallasov 1795 Byte: 6167307 |
The description of the Tver province in the agricultural relation composed by Vasily Preobrazhensky 1854 Byte: 23118705 |
The Toponrafichesky description of the Yaroslavl namestnichestvo composed in Yaroslavl in 1794 1794 Byte: 106569231 |
Experience of a narration about antiquities of Russians Byte: 134566944 |
Vinokur, brewer, medovar, vodka master, kvass Osipov N. P. 1792 Byte: 9561091 |
Basis. Southern Russian literary and scientific messenger. 1861-1862 Byte: 201084291 |
Reports and researches on cottage industry in Russia. Volume I 1892 Byte: 17344434 |
Sketch of prehistoric last Ryazan edge A. I. Cherepnin 1896 Byte: 7103674 |
Sketches of history of the Russian metrology N. A. Shostyin 1975 Byte: 5967275 |
Sketches of cottage industry in Russia V. Vorontsova 1886 Byte: 122800027 |
Sketches and materialya on land tenure stories in the Moscow Russia in XVIIV. V. Sedashev 1912 Byte: 44112745 |
Sketches by a technique of technological research, restoration and preservation of ancient metal products 1935 Byte: 10195775 |
Sketches of the Tver province 1874 Byte: 1535178 |
Cleaning and restoration of museum pieces A. Scott 1935 Byte: 6880777 |
State and its role in the history P.A.Kropotkin 1917 Byte: 5362014 |
Okrayna of Russia. Siberia, Turkestan, Caucasus and polar part of the European Russia P.P.Semenov 1900 Byte: 13826863 |
Sexual magic P. Sedir 1913 Byte: 2871942 |
Monuments to the Tula province 1851 Byte: 11030697 |
The Pistsovy and Census books of the XVII century across Nizhny Novgorod published by the Arkheografichesky commission. SPb. 1896 Byte: 18726852 |
History Mongol. Travel to East countries. Plan Karpini Ioann, Wilhelm de Roubrouc 1911 Byte: 9220347 |