App "encrypt Editor" for Android

Store valuable information in an encrypted form!
Today, information is one of the main assets for the livelihoods of people and the companies. И it must be protected. Protecting information means to ensure its availability, confidentiality and integrity.
Such information to include:
  • Usernames and passwords to various Internet portals
  • Financial data (credit card numbers, PИH codes, passwords, Internet banking, etc.)
  • Passport details
  • Photos or scanned documents
  • Other personal information
    On our hard drives is written: addresses, phone numbers, photos and videos, ideas, diaries, studies, collections of valuable materials, confidential information, passwords and pin-codes. All "acquired by overwork". Tens and hundreds of gigabytes of information, which for the owner is much more expensive than the computer itself. If not PRICELESS!
    Remember - information needs reliable protection!
    Many users write down their passwords and pin codes on scraps of paper, memory, PDAs, and cell phones, flash drives and leave these records readily available for intruders. Иx easily find experts in social engineering and "razgrebli garbage." Attackers are using more sophisticated technology - password hacking, phishing, sniffing, attack type "man in the middle", etc.
    Before us is often raises questions:
  • Many different passwords (to mail, to purse, to something else). It is not possible to remember them all! Where they can be kept safe? In a safe place, so that they can be easily and quickly extract and use?

    Иany confidential information (ideas, studies for business): how to reliably keep it from curious eyes?

  • Computer use in the firm not just me. How to make access to your files on it was just me?
    we Have to take the time to deal with the security of HIS ИNFORMATИИ!

  • program Description

    - registry Editor

    "encrypt Editor" - text editor with built-in encryption feature that combines ease of use, reliability and portability.
    The encoder uses a combination of encryption methods: PBE, MD5, DES, RC2, SHA1.
    Confidential information is best stored in an encrypted text file. It is necessary to enter one password to access all your passwords.
    The editor works with text in UNICODE format, therefore, you can enter any characters, including characters. Иinformation in the editor, you can put them in the format in which you are accustomed.

    Not encrypted text
    Not encrypted text
    Encrypted text
    Encrypted text
    editor Settings encryption
    editor Settings encryption
    editor Menu encryption
    editor Menu encryption
    Sending coded messages
    Sending coded messages
    editor Menu encryption
    editor Menu encryption
    file Manager editor encryption
    file Manager editor encryption